they play URFOLK (Urban Folk)

aka Har$
9 min readNov 8, 2021

Freely improvised and non-academic electroacoustic music {as}[by] urban folk[s] ~ part 3

from: Emergence at the frontiers and in fringes & trenches of contemporary music

Out in the real world, as practitioners, it is pretty easy to delineate the psychosociogeographic -artistic, musical- subspace that encompasses the individuals -solo, or more or less loosely organised in groups; part of these will consider themselves as being full- or part-time ‘artists’ and/or ‘musicians’, but others will most definitely not- thoughts, actions, methods, locations… that together make up the (dynamic, continuously changing both in a geographic and a temporal sense) cultural region that here we will talk about as UFO or URFOlk: urban folk music.

When then asked, however, as theoreticians to actually define, in understandable phrases built from well-known words, that which is so easy, as if by gesture, to wordlessly discern, we find ourselves being given a task that is near to impossible to complete.

To any element in a set of characteristics designed to comprehensively include all that we would want it to include, there will pop up -and yes, we do repeat ourselves- exceptions, and then exceptions to what one thought was captured by the exception, and so and so further. The multi-dimensional region, as it is, has boundaries that are kind of fractal with respect to attempted ‘abstraction’. (So the one way to capture all is to just exhaustively…



aka Har$

is Harold Schellinx, a writer, artist, scientist living, working & roaming Amsterdam & elsewhere (