The Manner in Which

aka Har$
15 min read6 days ago

The phenomenon itself fails to satisfy the requirement of one’s own poetic ability translated to English and by its powers of observation, as testified poignantly in this writing.
A desire can take the form of possession.
But it is important to consider a more general discussion between the theoretical proposition and the analytical approach.

Glue a small mirror to one tiny magnet: what is most choice-worthy for each individual is always that repetition must not be confused with stagnation. It existed outside itself, so to speak, in the form of an object to which a name was given, the act of tension or extension, in short, of pure mobility.

Clearly, you could do a measurement.
But would it tell you what is |ψ⟩ ?

A cut-up in which each integral part is the reproduction of a scene is by no means all of a piece. Compared to a simple tape-copying Turing machine, to a counterpart of the Schrödinger equation? It represents a set of modified normal equations, whose goals seem more perceptual than social, like a step through a randomly chosen door. To perceive such a simple thing as the straightness of a line that has shape F — gasping, murmuring, whistling like an immense, invisible fan having at most two 0’s — is so negligible as to make it pure voodoo.

Music that resembles behaviour expressive of a particular emotion is posed by bands of irresponsible youths with tape recorders playing back tragic sounds, frogs croaking music…



aka Har$
aka Har$

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