The Formula of Whatever-World
If I were a priest, fire-and-brimstone I would preach.
Mankind’s swaying and it swaggers.
It, he, she… they lost their way.
Lost — utterly lost.
In the year two thousand and twenty-five,
which is a square, a prefect square, the square of forty-five (a ninefold of five),
and the sum of two other perfect squares: those of twenty-seven (ninefold of three)
and thirty-six (ninefold of four).
Almost a century has passed since a New Year’s number was a perfect square. That last occurred in 1936, the square of forty-four. Interestingly, 1936 was not the sum of two other squares. Perhaps that’s why, in that dark year, Benito Mussolini proclaimed the re-establishment of the Roman Empire. He sought to make something great again that had grown too small. (The Freudian undertone aligns all too well with the tune of our world.) Of course, even then, he was not alone. And yes, we all know perfectly well where such fantasies and hysteria lead. It remains, however, a delusion to think that humanity learns from its past.
Every few generations, the same bad starts anew.
There seems to be little remedy for the war-mongering, accompanied by unabashed genocide, that continues to rage across our world.
It drives me to pray for revolution — foremost one that will put an end to the relentless and increasingly aggressive brainwashing designed to enslave us, all while enriching the creators and purveyors of this virtual soma: the devilry of global digital capitalism, colluding with political powers across the globe.
Ha, ha!
Yes, yes!
Atoms are spaceships!
And don’t we all know the price we pay?
[ These brief thoughts are a slightly re-written English translation of part of the first paragraphs of a text originally written in Dutch, and published in the 185st print edition of Gonzo (Circus) Magazine, my 41st HoofdStuk, entitled ‘De Formule van het Wereldtoeval’ ]